


Drowning in credit card debt? Want to stop a foreclosure immediately? Facing garnishment? Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be critical tools to stop a financial emergency and get out of debt. Consider bankruptcy if any of these statements apply to you:

  • You’re behind on your mortgage and don’t think you can catch up

  • Your attempts to work with creditors to set up a payment plan hasn’t worked

  • You’re being sued or worse, garnished

  • Your current income isn’t possibly enough to pay off your debt


In Minnesota and ready to talk to a lawyer about bankruptcy?
Schedule a free consult with bankruptcy lawyer Todd Murray.

Since 2009, Todd has helped hundreds of Minnesotans get out of debt. His work has saved his clients millions of dollars (and many sleepless nights) in the process. Todd’s clients have described him as “very professional and easy to work with.” He lives in Minneapolis with his wife and four children.

Bankruptcy topics


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Some ways we’ve helped previous clients


A client came to us a week before a foreclosure sale with more than $40,000 in mortgage arrears. They could afford to catch up over time, but couldn’t come up with the lump sum needed to stop the foreclosure. We filed Chapter 13, stopped the sale and forced the mortgage company to accept catch-up payments over five years.


Our client filed Chapter 13 to deal with high credit card debt and collections from debt buying companies. During the case, we found three separate violations of federal law and were able to go after the creditors for legal damages and attorneys fees, and put money back in our client’s pockets.



A Minnesota couple had tax debt from six different years of being self-employed. We were able to wipe out three years of debt, reduce the amount of a tax lien, and pay the remaining debt over a five year period. After five years, our client got out of Chapter 13 bankruptcy debt-free and ready to make a fresh start.