
Student Loans

Student loan debt is a growing problem, with more than 840,000 borrowers in default. We provide resources to help manage debts and deal with student loan collectors. Learn more about common student loan issues in Minnesota and your rights by visiting our article links below.


Common student loan issues



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Some ways we’ve helped previous clients


Our client had more than $650,000 of federal and private loans from years of trying to find the right work training. We filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy and filed a case to wipe out his student loans. Right before the client had to go to trial, we helped him settle for a fraction of the debt owed and reasonable monthly payments.


Our client faced $129,000 of private student loan debt on a yearly income of $32,000. She didn't know how she’d ever make any headway, when she found herself being sued by a private student loan collector. After showing the collector that she wouldn’t back down in court, we reduced her debt to $10,000 payable at $100 per month.